
Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

A Gift of Energy

"When attack becomes dance, everything is seen as a gift of energy."

That sounds great, doesn't it?

Couldn't we all use a little more energy from time to time? I know I could. Right now, for instance, as I sit with a blanket over my shoulders, sipping lemon tea and hoping that the next coughing spasm is not as ferocious as the last two, I could use a gift of energy. The tickle that started in my nose and chest a few days ago has blossomed into a full-blown, body-wracking cold, complete with chills and fever.

The martial art Aikido (The Way of Harmony) teaches us to see everything that comes our way as energy to be danced with. By centering and extending our ki (life energy) we connect and blend with the energy of attack, making it a part of us. We redirect it from center, keeping ourselves and our attacker safe from harm.

How this elegant metaphor applies to situations in our personal and professional lives is a continuing source of study and fascination for me. One of the ways I work at integrating Aiki principles into my life is by sharing the philosophy with others. My workshops use physical exercises which help our bodies remember how to do things like center, extend, acknowledge and blend. We begin to dance, flow and move with the energy of conflict instead of blocking it.

So I sit, wondering how I can dance with this attack. Even centering doesn't stop the incessant coughing. I have no ki to extend (it seems to have retreated to the innermost recesses of my system). The only thing I can think to do is to acknowledge and embrace.

But that, at least, is a beginning. In years past, I would not acknowledge being sick. When I was sick, I'd often go to work anyway. I plowed through what needed doing with half a spirit and wore myself out. I probably infected half a dozen others in the process. I was sometimes ill-tempered, depressed and depressing to be around. If I can't acknowledge what's going on, whether it's a cold or a problem at home, I surely can't embrace it. By this I mean make it a part of me, connect with it so that I can begin to look for solutions.

Most of our conflicts, internal or external, would resolve themselves if we would only take this first step - acknowledge them! But because we see them as negative, we immediately resist by fighting or fleeing. If I can see what comes my way as energy, with no positive or negative charge other than what I give it, I can be more curious about it. As unwanted as it may be, there's definitely more power in dancing with it than in resisting it.

As for my cold, I'm still trying to learn if there's a gift here somewhere. Let's see - I've already read a book I've been putting aside for months, started another, and gotten some much needed rest (in between coughs!). I may not always know what the energy offers, but when I can ask the question "Where’s the gift?" I've taken a step in a new direction.

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Professional Ethics

There are many professions in the world that require strong will, stamina and courage to get occupied. Thousands of policemen, doctors, firemen, rescue teams save people every minute. Graduating form the University and mastering one of the professions mentioned above you think only about successful application of your knowledge in practice. A couple of years after you become a famous doctor, an honorary resident and a dedicated family man. But then one accident in your practice turns your life upside down and makes you reconsider your system of values and personal code of ethics.

Racing towards the hospital in the middle of the night, you think about what you are going to see. Entering a room, you see one of your patients lying down with eyes closed. A sense of guilt overwhelms you, when you hear colleagues’ words “No hope”. The situation drove you to the choice you need to make: either to shut down the apparatus of support and release a patient from suffering on his way to death or do nothing in order to save good name you acquired during your practice. Leaving the room, you start going back to your student years where the problem of euthanasia was discussed frequently. What was your attitude? Of course you thought of this way out as of unacceptable an inhumane as most of people think. Did you really give a problem a good thought being a student? Obviously it never occurred to you that you may appear in front of a choice like that. And now, having a reputation of a professional, what are you to choose?

Euthanasia is determined as an act of merciful killing that releases a person from suffering. Now this term has to be specified, because the specialists of Middle Ages released their patients not only form physical but also from spiritual sufferings. Nowadays obligations of doctors are limited by law and in some states euthanasia is prohibited by law, unless one of he family members presents a request that is further investigated. There are several moral aspects of such a decision. On one hand there are Ten Commandments of the Holy Bible, one of which states “Do not kill”. After humanism was established as a philosophical current, some consider euthanasia a crime. On the other hand there are words of Hippocrates that pleads to help the needy regardless their position in the society. If nothing but sufferings awaits a person on a short way to death, why should a doctor who understands the situation let someone be tortured? Isn’t it even crueler than killing somebody? These are moral aspects of the problem, but the code of professional ethics requires action and you are to make the choice. Only after you consider everything and make the right decision you deserve to be called a professional and be respected even more.

Has Honesty Become a Thing of the Past?

Has honesty become a thing of the past?  Many people are asking themselves this question as they scour the net for what they need.  

As the low economy in the United States takes its toll on many, people are constantly looking for alternative ways to solve their dilemma, including the internet. 

 In a frantic search to find the ultimate solution, they spend their hard-earned money on “Get Rich Schemes” only to find out that the bargain they hoped for wasn’t a bargain at all.  

With crushed hopes, dreams, and an empty wallet many people retaliate.  Some may pass it off by learning negative things such as not trusting anyone else… possibly for the rest of their lives.  Others quit buying altogether.  While still others, run and tell there friends they got ripped-off and by whom causing a viral rift, giving marketers a bad reputation.  

Either way we look at these facts, we still come to the same conclusion.  We need to change the way we are doing things and become more ethically inclined when running our businesses. 

Honesty has a great deal to do with any marketer, if not for any other reason but to be able to continue with one’s business.  Secondly, it helps someone else get what they need.

I remember a time when people put great trust in their local merchant.  You remember those days?  The marketer was fair and usually gave the consumer more than they bargained for…They new the secret to long term success.  

We too have that same power to claim long term success and to help change what is going on in the internet marketing circle!  By claiming this power and making a few changes, we can help stimulate the economic growth that is needed to overcome hard times.  

You may be saying to yourself, but I am honest in my work.  You may be!  There are still many marketers that use ethical marketing when selling their products.  That’s great, but what about passing these ethical techniques to future merchants?   Like our affiliates for example...Are we teaching them about honesty?  How about the new marketer who seeks wisdom and a JV with some of the old timers?  

I know some folks who have been making money for several years are going to say, "We've tried to teach the young about ethical marketing, but they aren't listening."  That may be so.  We cannot twist anyone's arms to get them to do the right thing.  

However, we can be examples for them.  We leave the ball in their court.  The young will then learn from their mistakes.  Without customers and future financing, they will once again seek wisdom from the old timers.

Then, and only then, will online marketing be instrumental in economic growth so it can stand firm throughout the trials that face all of us.

If this article offends anyone maybe it's time to take a look at the overall marketing picture. 

Trust is built on the very foundation of honesty, especially when dealing with costumers.  It’s a two-way street…the consumer gets what they paid for, their hopes are flying high and their wallets still have money in them so they can buy other things.

The marketer on the other hand, gets a repeat costumer that will tell his/her friends, who will tell their friends, and so on, making more money in the long run, while building great lasting relationships, and a fantastic reputation.  To put a sugar coating on top, they are helping someone else.

So, I guess we need to ask ourselves these questions:  Do we continue with this “Dog-eat dog” attitude and eat dirt? 

 Or… Do we claim the power from past years and help change the mindset of the consumer which will lead us to bigger profits where everyone is happy?

The choice is ours!  I know what I am doing do you?

© Mary Murtha
    Web Marketing Tools Co.

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